Alpha 4.6.0RC3 - July 1 2020
Do not enable 8K texture support at this time, as it will give you GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY problems. Please wait until it's mentioned in a later update.
All platforms
- ❕✅ Bring over some mod specific fonts from oITG
- ❕✅ Editor Fixes (Thanks VILEWORX!)
- ❕✅ Modernise FTOC to not use double math
- ❕✅ Fix math offset in RageSquare
- ❕✅ Theme optimisations
- ❕✅ Fix crash when joysticks are unplugged
- ❕✅ Remove FTOC from the game, (Thanks shakesoda!)
- ❕✅ Remove Symmetric Quadstrip calls
- ❕✅ Fix dereferencing in several texture calls
- ❕✅ Fix time based overflow
- ❕✅ Fix not logic in RageTextureManager
- ❕✅ Remove GL quad calls from pipeline in favour of triangles
- ❕✅ Update legacy and GLAD pipeline with new triangle code
- ❕✅ ArrowEffects optimisations to fix stutter showdown
- ❕✅ Cleaned up cmake and added ARCH check file for new systems
- ❕✅🐲 Add some legacy GL pipeline optimisations
- ❕✅🐲 Fix polygon mode for the legacy Driver
- ❕✅🐲 Fix blendmode crash on modfiles
- ❕✅ Upgrade FFMPEG to 4.3
- ❕✅ Fixed GL context creation
- ❕✅ Remove visual acceleration to keep compatibility with Xserver
- ❕✅ Don't use /Desktop as a mount point
- ❕✅ Update functions to read directories
- ❕✅ Fix closing of sound files
- ❕✅🐲 Kill 10.16 programming choices due to MacOSX 11
- ❕✅🐲 Support macOS 11.0 "Big Sur"
- ❕✅ Deprecated support for Application Support folder
ARM/ARM64 (Raspberry Pi, etc)
- ❕✅ Add support for Rockchip/Pine64 3399, 3219 chips (arm64)
- ❕✅ Add support for Raspberry Pi 4,3B+ (thanks shakesoda, Jousway)
- ❕✅ Add support for armhf Raspberry Pi 2/3/3b+
- ❕✅ Fix Bone and Models causing a crash on the Pi
- ❕✅ Fix geometry crashing on some distros
- ❕✅🐲 Add GL4GLES/Desktop GL friendly modifications to the legacy driver
Community content:
- ✅ Guitar3 and Guitar5 graphics - Lirodon
- ✅ Translations updated from Moru, SHRIMP0 and SheepyChris (Brazilian Portuguese)
- ✅ Translations updated from MoNeko (Polish)
- ✅ Translations updated from Hanubeki (Japanese)
- ✅ Translations updated from Jose_Varela (Spanish)
ARM notes
- If you are on newer AARCH64 based Linux distributions such as Arch/Manjaro, you will need to install glu and mesa-git (sudo pacman -Sy glu mesa-git)
- If the game boots into the GLAD renderer, exit the game and edit VideoRenderers in ~/.stepmania 5.3/Save/Preferences.ini to list opengl first.
- Follow this tutorial to get better performance on your ARM device:
- If you are on a Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ or 4 and want 64-bit, this image of Raspberry Pi OS has native OpenGL 2.1 drivers.
- As per some of the issues with the in-built systems on the RPi, if you have many entries of broken pipe in your log files and ALSA errors, this is often worked around with a USB sound card or similar. We have not seen anything on Manjaro which matches this, so far it appears to be a Debian issue.
- Don't expect crazy performance/perfect playback! We are still learning to tweak the engine for better performance on ARM, so please be patient!