sm-ssc v1.0 Release Candidate 1 | 20100627


  • [NotesLoaderKSF] Support reading of #PLAYER and #MUSICINTRO/#INTRO tags in KSF files. [based on code by Aldo_MX]
  • Adjust KB7 draw order which still seems wrong, change noteskin. Use default-p2 and join as player 2 to play with original spacing. [shakesoda]


  • Fixed a bug with urlnoexit GameCommand always returning the "Could not launch web browser" message.
  • Removed some untested/non-working Model Lua bindings.
  • Only autogen Medium difficulty steps for Routine modes.
  • Added PlayerState:GetPlayerOptionsArray() Lua binding.
  • Revert a commit from 20091219 regarding profile loading on ScreenSelectMusic.


  • Implement the last remaining SampleMusicPreviewMode: StartToPreview. This one requires [ScreenSelectMusic] TwoPartConfirmsOnly=true in the metrics to work correctly.
  • Added Actor:Real(), which makes graphics their true size at any resolution. [shakesoda]


  • [HighScore] add GetGrade() Lua binding.


  • Allow RShift+Print Screen to take uncompressed screenshots.


  • Attempt to fix screenshot numbering bug. Seems to work, if testing is any indication. (Did not work.)


  • sm4svn r28359-r28364. [Chris Danford] Notable commit logs:
    • r28359: "fix BackgroundChange color values being written with commas. Commas are a reserved character that seprate values in a tag. Caret was used to separate RGBA values in a color in this case and NotesLoaderSM already handles that."
    • r28361: "normalize colors in BGCHANGES to HTML colors, to fix weird escaping"


  • Fix Rave/Battle crashes, allowing it to work again.
  • Chris Danford changed galopin's code for detecting pump mats.
  • [Actor] add basezoom, basezoomz, GetBaseZoomY(), GetBaseZoomZ(), and GetGlow() Lua bindings
  • [Screen] add GetScreenType() Lua binding.
  • howl's patch for fixing LowLevelWindow (stepmania4-fullscreen-focus-lost-and-restore-resolution2.patch)


  • sm4svn r28359: fix BackgroundChange color values being written with commas. Commas are a reserved character that seprate values in a tag. Caret was used to separate RGBA values in a color in this case and NotesLoaderSM already handles that. [Chris Danford]


  • Add Windows 7 and Windows Vista as identified OS versions in DebugInfoHunt.


  • [MusicWheel] If AutoSetStyle is on and Autogen is off, some songs with valid steps may be missing from the wheel. Re-add them by checking for every playable StepsType when AutoSetStyle is on. Fixes issue 147:
  • Fix a crash that occured when changing themes that had differing numbers of song/course group colors. (Yes, finally.)


  • [Actor] add addrotationx, addrotationy, addrotationz bindings/commands
  • [GameCommand] Don't allow battle/rave with Routine (StyleType_TwoPlayersSharedSides).
  • Reordered ScreenEdit's main menu (escape) slightly.
  • Expand various floats from 3 decimal places to 6 (experimental) [Midiman]
  • [BPMDisplay] add RandomText metric for theming the "..." that appears when BPMs don't cycle and MinBPM == -1.


  • [MusicWheel] added UseSectionsWithPreferredGroup metric (allows sm-ssc to display all song groups if you use the songgroup GameCommand, instead of no groups.)
  • [Character] add GetCharacterDir() and GetCharacterID() Lua bindings.