Themes Archive
StepMania 5
- Added more versions of CyberiaStyle LAST APPROACH, thanks to Arcorann.
- Added SIMPLY-FICATION r3.0, thanks to Arcorann.
StepMania 3.9
- Added more versions of CyberiaStyle 6 -consciousness to cyber-, thanks to Arcorann.
- Added more versions of CyberiaStyle 4, thanks to Arcorann.
- Added SMBX-PIU. Thanks to Frondal for bringing this up.
- Added PIUSM-THEME. Thanks to ElGFAS for bringing this up.
- Added NX Gold. Thanks to emmanu888 for bringing this up.
StepMania 3.9
- Thanks to .krtv for these.
- Added StepMania 3.9 CVS 9-6-2004.
- Added StepMania 3.9 CVS 01-15-2005.
- Added StepMania 3.9 CVS 08-03-2004 Unofficial.
- Added StepMania CVS 08-23-2004.
- Added StepMania TEST CVS 8-21-2004.
- Added StepMania Unofficial 8-13-2004 CVS.
StepMania 5
- Added StepP1 Plus v2.0.0
ITGMania Custom Builds
- Added NotITG v4.9.
StepMania 4
- Added a build of StepManiaX that contains a ITG2 theme and keymaps in it. Appears to the same as the 4.0CVS version, so its added as an option in that same entry.
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.9
- Added StepManiaEncore.
- Added StepMania Destroyed.
StepMania 3.95
- Added screenshots for the following themes:
- Staiainv2.
- Xoon2.
- Xoon3.
- Xoon4.
- In The Groove 355.
- In The Groove Pro.
- In The Groove H4X Edition.
- In The Groove 2 -Ultimate Edition-.
- Simply Love.
- In The Groove 3.
- Glass 1.1.
- In The Groove 3 GOLD.
- In The Groove 2 Pink.
- In The Groove 2 GOLD.
Themes Archive
StepMania 5
- Added DDR 6th Mix -DDR MAX-.
General Archive Update
- Hi, sorry I was gone for a bit. Turns out during this time, a lot of links in here have been broken, so this update comes to fix all of them. This is a rolling update, so there will be multiple commits going through the missing items, updating which are broken, missing, moved, etc.
- Huge thanks to Ryuto Setsujin, Edmspack for letting me know about these broken links.
StepMania 3.9
- Removed Mac version of StepMania 3.9 Release Candidate 2a, as it wasn't a thing, only RC2 was released for Mac.
StepMania 4
- Fixed linux download links for CVS-20060716 and CVS-20080103.
- Fixed Windows download link for SM-SSC 1.0 Release Candidate 1.
StepMania 5
- Fixed Windows download links for both StepMania Event builds.
- Fixed Linux download links for SM5 5.0.8 to 5.0.12.
- Fixed download link for StepPrime Beta 0.94.5.
- STEP MOD 2020's download link has been replaced with the archive's backup.
- Fixed the rest of the missing links for Mac and Linux builds.
Themes Archive
SM3.9 Plus
- Fixed download link for IIDX GOLD.
- Fixed download link for IIDX Gold 14th Style (Project XII).
- Fixed download link for Glass.
- Fixed download link for In The Groove Shadow 3.
- Fixed download link for Secks.
- Fixed download link for salAndy3.95.
- Fixed download link for Mario_Blue.
- Fixed download link for Katt Theme.
- Fixed download link for Optical.
- Fixed download link for moonlight.
StepMania 5
- Fixed download link for Jounin - SM Creation XXIV.
- Fixed download link for Simply-Gensokyo.
- Fixed download link for Simply-ITGMania.
- Fixed download link for Simply Love (for ITGMania) v5.4.0.
- Added Simply Love v5.5.0.
- Quick reminder that Simply Love is now an ITGMania exclusive (which is a shame), so further updates will go to that section.
Themes Archive
- Every single theme currently available on the archive for StepMania 3.9 (with the exception of TDR-Mix -Original Edition-) now has screenshots! Thanks to an individual who would like to remain anonymous.
- New themes have been added:
- Added A.O.I.
- Added A.O.I -0.2.
- Added Beatendo V1.
- Added Cheesemix 2.
- Added Dance Dance Revolution SuperNOVA 2.
- Added Dancing Stage Fever.
- Added Dancing Stage MegaMix Rev 4.0.
- Added DDR 4th Mix Plus.
- Added DDR Ultramix Plus 2.9.
- Added Katze Extreme.
Beat Up Mania
- Created Section.
- Moved Audition II from SM3.9 to this section as its meant for this build.
Tools Archive
- Added OpenSMO to the tools archive.
Themes Archive
- Fixed download link for Stepmania Pony Mix.
- Fixed download link for XI Black R2+.
StepMania 3.9
- Added a A repackaged SM3.9 build by CODE: REBORN, which includes a TechnoMotion based theme and content.
StepMania 3.9
- Added a 'final' version of Neon FM: Dance Radio, which Eric Yockey just posted publicly on Rhythm Game Cabs.
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.9
- Added images to the following themes, thanks to ThePlay0987654.
- Added CyberiaStyle.
- Added CyberiaStyle 2.
- Added Flash Flash Revolution.
- Added ForeverBlue 2.
- Added CityScape.
- Added N.PREX3 NeoStyle.
StepMania 5
- Thanks to ElGFAS for bringing these up!
- Added StepP2 V3.0.
- Added StepP2 V3.1.
- Added StepP2 V3.2.
- Added StepP2 V3.4.
Themes Archive
StepMania 5
- A bunch of themes from Madkat182.
- Added DDR 1st.
- Added DDR 2nd Mix.
- Added DDR 3rd Mix.
- Added DDR 5th Mix.
- Added DDR X.
- Added DDR Extreme 2.
- Added DDR DDM.
- Added Aoi.
- Added DDR 2014.
- Added DDR 2013.
- Added Simply Love V5.4.0.
Project OutFox:
- Added XX -starlight- 3.0.
- Added Simply Love (For ITGMania) V5.4.0
- Added ITGMania v0.8.0.
Themes Archive
- Added ITG Happy Feet! Edition. Thanks to Miles DFOX for unearthing this!
Project OutFox
Themes Archive
- Added versions 1.6.0 and 2.0.0 of superuser.
StepMania 5
- Added three builds of StepP1 Plus:
- StepP1 Plus v0.9.5 BETA-1
- StepP1 Plus v0.9.5 BETA-2
- StepP1 Plus v1.0.0
StepMania 3.9
- Added decompiled packages for Mungyodance 2 and Mungyodance 3.
- Added decompiled packages for the Addon 1 and Addon 2 packages for Mungyodance 2.
- Added ResurrecXion Proyect 15.03.
- Thanks to locuuraa for the following entries.
- Added 3DDX 2-D-TECH.
- Added a character bundle for Pop'n'Mania (PNM Test)
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.9
- Added Audition II. Thanks to locuuraa for this entry.
Themes Archive
StepMania 5
- Thanks to Scrypts for the pictures.
- Added pictures for StepMania 4 Alpha.
- Added pictures for Mithras Gone Wild.
- Added pictures for D3NEX.
- Added pictures for D3NEX MAXIMUM.
- Added pictures for minimalist.
- Added pictures for PONY DANCE REVOLUTION -1st Party-.
- Added pictures for Simplicity Theme.
- Added pictures for optics.
- Added pictures for In The Groove 2.
- Added pictures for Doki Doki Dancing All Night!.
- Added pictures for drunken-shame.
- Added pictures for GothicTheme.
- Added pictures for StepMania SuperNova V3.
- Added pictures for Moonlight.
- Added pictures for TimeRift.
- Added pictures for Optical.
- Added pictures for Lambda.
- Added pictures for ResurrecXion Proyect.
- Added pictures for Britney's Dance Beat.
- Added pictures for StepMania: On The Chill.
- Added pictures for miquote-adventure.
Project OutFox:
- Added version 0.5 of Virtua Steps.
Other Sims Archive
Dazzle Dazzle Realization
- Added version 2.00 α1. Thanks to Nemi for finding this.
Diet Diet Revolution
- Added gameplay footage. More will come for the other entries as I get better VMs setup.
- Fixed the release dates for versions 1.08 and 1.10.
Themes Archive
- Added pictures for Virtua Steps. Thanks to Ryuto Setsujin for the pictures.
StepMania 5
- Added pictures for Chip.Revolution. Thanks to wrland for the pictures.
StepMania 4
- Added the original Cerulean Skies and the HD version of Cerulean Skies 2. Huge thanks to velkoon for unearthing these!
Other Sims Archive
Dance With Intensity
- We have surfaced 19 builds of the game, and are now available. Huge thanks to Skoshche for finding these.
Themes Archive
- Added Simply-ITGMania
Themes Archive
- Added a selection of themes made for mDawg's In The Groove 2 PC.
DDR PC Edition
StepMania 3.95
- Added the missing segments of Changelogs for OpenITG builds Alpha 1 through 7. Thanks to Goofwear from unearthing these.
- Added source packages for OpenITG builds Alpha 1 through Alpha 8.
Footage Archive
- Added dedicated section to download the In The Groove Random Movies.
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.95:
- Added images for Altitude. Thanks Assimileafy!
- Added Xoon 2.
Project OutFox:
- Fixed credits with multiple themes.
StepMania 5:
- Added images to MadkaT182's Tournament.
- Added new releases of DDR-A3-THEME
- Added v5.3.0 release of Simply Love.
StepMania 3.95
- Added ITG PoWa!.
- Added Changelogs for OpenITG builds Alpha 1 through 7.
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.95:
- Moved ITGShadow3 to this category as it is meant to be run here.
StepMania 5
- Added Twerkout Revolution. Totally forgot this was a thing. Thanks to DancingMaractus for showing me this again.
Other Sims Archive
- Added the Beats Portable collection.
Themes Archive
- Thanks to Frondal, there are new themes.
StepMania 3.9
- Added Original Nascence Interface 3.
- Added DDR NewNovaE.
- Added NeonMANIA v2.
- Added Hopscotch Mix 'Zenith'.
- Added Hopscotch Mix 'Encore'.
- Added Hopscotch Mix 'Excel'.
- Added Shuffle.
- Added Cobalite.
- Added In The Groove ANOTHER H4X EDITION.
- Added In The Groove ICE.
- Added DanceDanceRevolution 5th Mix.
- Added Dear Sister.
- Added Moogle.
- Added Orange.
- Added Purple DRANK.
- Added Tribal.
Themes Archive
- Added theme screenshots for the following themes. Thanks to Wrland for the images!
- D3Mania.
- PanzerForce 5th Mix.
- pop*candy.
- pop*candy 2.
- XXmiX 2nd Act.
- 東方踊々夢 ~ Dancing Delusion.
- Project XVI Anarch.
StepMania 3.9
- Added Touhou Hisoutenmai.
StepMania 3.9 Plus
- Added AOI sapphire.
- Added IIDX13-DistorteD.
- Added IIDX GOLD.
- Added IIDX Lincle.
- Added IIDX Tricoro.
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.9
- Added StepMania - ましろ色シンフォニー - Re-make Ver..
- Added StepMania - Key Edition - 3rd.
- Added StepMania - NATSUYUME Edition -.
- Added StepMania lillian ver2.5.
- Added StepMania lillian ver3.0.
- Added StepMania - DRACU-RIOT! -.
- Added PIU Paradise NEXT2.
StepMania 3.9
- Added Electronic Beats.
NoteSkins Archive
- More noteskins have been added.
- Link system has been fixed.
- Quick travel has been added.
StepMania 3.9
- Added Super Dancer Offline Xtreme.
StepMania Archive
- Added a preliminary version of the noteskins archive. It does not contain all items I've been sent so far, as I have to go through all of the submissions. Also I need to check origins for some of these submissions, due to the 3.9-SM5 conversions with multiple code segments from other authors.
Builds Archive
- Added view for sources in changelogs. Now you can see the link where the changelog was sourced from. Only a few builds right now have them as I have to populate them.
Theme Archive
- Added more versions of SLGJUVM that I recovered from my hard drives. A tip: don't override previous versions, they can become useful later.
- Added Etterna 0.72.3.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha V Playtest Public Build pre041.
- Added ITGMania 0.6.1.
StepMania 5
- Added Pumpsanity 0.95.2. Also added changelog info to them.
Themes Archive
- Removed Zenith, Rebith-kl and quark upon request from the author.
Themes Archive
- Added more themes for StepMania 5.
- Added Pump It Up Delta NEX Rebirth.
- Added minimalist.
- Added PONY DANCE REVOLUTION -1st Party-.
- Added Ultimate.
- Added Simplicity Theme.
- Added optics.
- Added Stepmania Theme With No Name Yet.
- Added StepMania: On The Chill.
- Added miquote-adventure.
Themes Archive
- Added themes for StepMania 5 thanks to an individual who would like to remain anonymous.
- Added Metro Quad X.
- Added Metro Quad X (Ridiculous Mod).
- Added Consensual.
- Added Consensual (Ridiculous Mod).
StepMania 5
- Added PumpSanity Beta 0.95.1. This is only the base game, you'll have to find the rest of the data.
Other Sims Archive
- Updated source links to use Internet Archive instances to perserve their contents.
Themes Archive
- Added the
Etterna section. Sorry for taking so long to add it!
StepMania 5
- Added PumpSanity Beta 0.95. This is only the base game, you'll have to find the rest of the data.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha LTS 4.19.0.
Themes Archive
- I've mistakenly left the Contribute link to point to my ITG 2 theme's issue section instead of the archives. That's fixed now. Thanks to Nhan for pointing this out.
StepMania 5
- Added M4A1-Chan 2023.
- Added In The Groove System Image v0.16.
Themes Archive
StepMania 3.9:
- Added XI Black R2+
- Added Terminal社会Society
- Added NEMura Theme
StepMania 3.95:
- Added Staiainv12
- Added Glass 1.1, which is a mod of Glass.
- Added Conductor's Theme
Themes Archive
- Entries now contain meta tags. This allows you to have embeds when linking the archive's pages.
- Thanks to Frondal, there are new themes.
StepMania 3.95:
- Added PINK
- Added salAndy3.95
- Added ITG PHILLLLLLL (explicit language)
- Added foxymix
- Added turquoise
- Added Velocity
- Added ITG Shadow
- Added In The Groove 2 - Ebony edition
- Added ITG Submetal 2.0
- Added ITG REDux
- Added In The Groove 3 -h4x edition-
- Added In The Groove Shadow 3
- Added Aurora Halloween
- Added futurex
- Added In The Groove 3
StepMania 3.9+:
- Project XII has been moved to the 3.9+ category, as it was previously on SM5.
Themes Archive
- Added In the Groove 1 Alpha.
- Added Cave Story.
- Added Girouette.
- Added Ikachan.
- Added MegaGroove Network.
- Added SatellaView.
- Fixed image previews due to the migration to PHP.
Themes Archive
- Added Simply Love 5.2.1.
- Added the original Simply Love.
Themes Archive
- Added Chip.Revolution.
Other Sims Archive
- Fixed download links for BEAT魔にやり.
StepMania 5
- Added STEP MOD 1.2.
- Added version 0.6.0.
- Added versions 0.72.1 and 0.72.2.
Themes Archive
- Added Simply Love 5.2.0.
- Split ITGM versions of Simply Love to their own category.
- Added the entire changelog history. Each entry contains a timeline for the changes of the builds.
Project OutFox
- Added the Alpha 4.11 build that I've forgot to add..
Themes Archive
- Added the 4 versions of Curilang's DDR-A3 theme.
- DDR-A is now tagged as unavailable. Need to find it again.
- Added Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code.
- Added Doki Doki Dancing All Night!
- Added entry for DRAGON NEST (still unavailable).
- Added drunken-shame.
- Added GothicTheme.
- Added Project XII.
- Added the Lambda theme series.
- Added Jounin.
StepMania 3.9
- Added source packages for 3.9+ builds. Thanks to Archer for these!
- The following have been added:
- StepMania 3.9+ Beta 1
- StepMania 3.9+ Beta 2
- StepMania 3.9+ Beta 3
- StepMania 3.9+ Beta 4
- StepMania 3.9+ Release Candidate 1
- StepMania 3.9+ Release Candidate 2
- StepMania 3.9+ Release Candidate 3
- StepMania 3.9+ Release Candidate 4
- StepMania 3.9+ Release Candidate 5
- StepMania 3.9+ Final
DDR PC Edition
- Added images of StepMania 0.50, which was still named DDR PC Edition, and contains the graphics from the initial version of DDR PC Edition.
- Moved StepMania 0.50 to the category, as the game wouldn't be rebranded to StepMania until 0.6x.
StepMania 3.0
- Update: Fixed links for 20030715a and 20030728a. Thanks to Nhan for pointing this out.
StepMania 3.0
- Found more builds from the 3.0 days on CVS. This completes the logging of the transition from 3.0 to 3.9. The following is the list.
- 20030327a
- 20030420a
- 20030422
- 20030528a
- 20030531a
- 20030611b
- 20030618a
- 20030623
- 20030630
- 20030715a
- 20030728a
- 20030731
- 20030803
- Added date for the final official release of StepMania 3.0 (2002-10-23).
StepMania 3.9
- Fixed date for StepMania 3.9 Release Candidate 2. It was in November.
- Added source for StepMania 3.9 Release Candidate 2.
- Added StepMania 3.9 Release Candidate 2a, released the same day as RC2.
StepMania 4.0
- Found more builds for 4.0 on CVS. Possible changelogs were present on the StepMania website, which I'll try to find. The following is the list.
- (20060621)
- (20060625)
- Intermediate (20060716) [mac]
- Intermediate (20060717)
- Intermediate (20060729) [mac]
- Fixed Mac build for StepMania 4.0 CVS (20060613). Mixed up as the source.
StepMania 5
- Added Sushi Violation Final.
StepMania 5
- Added StepP1 V1.0.1.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha LTS 4.18.1.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha LTS 4.18.0.
Themes Archive
- Added the following themes:
- AccelBeat
- In The Groove 3 Encore
- Music Memories
- EKS-D ParaMania
- Virtua Steps
- Added more releases for superuser and Infinitesimal.
StepMania 4
- Fixed ITG entries from 3.95, turns out these are mDawg ITG2PC builds.
- Reorganized entries for ITG PC, as they're also SM4-based builds.
Theme Archive
- Added SM-SSC category.
- Fixed download link for TK0's DDR A20.
- Added additional versions of moonlight.
- Update dates for DJ.Tony's IIDX themes.
StepMania 0.9x
- Fixed date entries for early SM builds. Thanks to Squirrel for reaching out to correct these dates.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.16.0.
Theme Archive
- Added more versions of XV, thanks to Moneko for finding these.
- Added latest link for Simply-ITG.
- Added July 17th version of VR0's DDR A theme.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.15.0 and Alpha 4.15.1.
- ITGmania v0.5.1 has been released.
Themes Archive
- Images for SIGMA -The Blue Dasher- have been added by Moneko.
- Simply Love v5.1.2 has been added.
- Version category headers are now sticky to help reminding you about what section you're on.
Build Archive
- Build categories that have websites available are now linked.
StepMania 5
- So L-Tek has made a custom 5.0.12(?)-based build out of nowhere. It was released today, however the compile/cmake date is set to 2021. Currently still investigating the contents inside to describe differences.
Themes Archive
- Fixed entries for the following items:
StepMania 4
: dubai 11DX, Strike
StepMania 4
- Fixed link for 舞状元跳舞毯_V2.0新程序 (Dance Champion V2.0).
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.14.1.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.14.0.
Theme Archive
- Added theme updates for the following themes;.
- Added v2.1.0HF for XX-Starlight on OutFox.
- Added versions v5.0.1, v5.1.0 and v5.1.1 for Simply-Love in StepMania 5.
- Added Waterfall and Waterfall Expanded.
- Added all available versions of Simply-ITG.
- Added Etterna 0.71.1 and Etterna 0.71.2.
Theme Archive
- Started NotITG theme section.
- Added SIMPLY LOVE (Oat vs Rya's Fork).
- Added a couple of themes I've worked on in the past.
- Added Dance With Intensity.
- Added DDR NewNovaE.
StepMania 5
- Added Project Diva Stepping Revision.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.13.0.
Archive Notes
- Some interesting builds today.
StepMania 3.9
StepMania 4
- Added MZero. This is an old NITG based game that I worked on back in 2017. It didn't end up going anywhere really.
Theme Archive
SM3.9 Plus
- Added version 4.5.5 of VR0's DDR A and A20 theme.
- Added XX -starlight- 2.0 and its subsequent versions.
Tools Archive
- Added bitEye.
Theme Archive
- Another drop of Pump It Up themes has arrived, coming from a Dell Optiplex 745 that ran an SM build on a Family Fun Center. Huge thanks to 48productions for this find.
- Added ZeroSM+
- Added PUMP IT UP! THE PREX3 --StepMania NeobeatIKK Style--
- Added SMNXA RC3
- Added Pump It Up Millenium
- Added N.PREX3 NeoStyle v1.8
- Added SMPREX3 cvs 1.1.1
Just a message
- Hello, how was your year? I hope it went alright. This year has been an interesting development on StepMania as a whole, with a bunch of new forks rising all of a sudden, as well as new uncovered content like the pump stuff and the OpenITG themes.
- Next year it does seem it could bring more excitement on to how this engine has been kicking for the past 2 decades, but time will tell. - Jose_Varela
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.12.0.
- Added Etterna 0.71.0.
StepMania 5
- Added STEP MOD 2020, a mod of StepP1. Given its file size, the original linked version is added for now, until the need to use the backed up version is needed.
StepMania 5
- Today, there's a bunch of StepMania 5-based Pump It Up builds that have surfaced.
- Added StepP2 V3.3. (If anyone has previous builds, let me know!)
- Added StepP1 V1.
- Added StepXX V2.60.
- Added StepMania PRO2 BetaTest.
- Added PUMP IT UP MX REVOLUTION 2 2021 (V2.01).
- Some Rave It Out builds are in the process of uploading...
StepMania 3.9
- Added CMSMA R001 (cesarmades' StepMania AMX).
- Added Windows-Compiled Arcade build of In The Groove 1.
Theme Archive
- Added Simply ITG.
- Added StepMania Pony Mix.
- Fixed download link for My Little Pony (OpenITG).
Theme Archive
- Added superuser v1.2.0, v1.2.1 and v1.2.2.
- Added Curilang's versions of DDRA and DDRA20.
- Added a ton of themes for 3.95, so here goes the list:
- ChaosUnown Edition v5
- In The Groove Pro
- In The Groove 2 -Ultimate Edition-
- Hardcore Groove 2
- In The Groove 3
- Groove 3.0 and Groove 2
- In The Groove 3 GOLD
- In The Groove 3 Pink
- In The Groove 2 GOLD
- ITG 500Zb4
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.10.0.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.9.10.
Footage Archive
- Begin adding footage of In The Groove US Open 2008.
- Begin adding footage of In The Groove Nationals Finals 2005. This one will take a bit, as there is a lot of videos.
- Ties on scores are now grey.
- Empty descriptions no longer say 'undefined', forgot to add a failsafe to those.
- Added 3rd prototype footage of Neon FM: Dance Radio.
Theme Archive
- Fixed downloads for Cyberia Style 3.1, 3.5, 5 and 6 with its original packages.
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.9.9HF2 and 4.9.9HF3.
Tools Archive
- Added Tiny-webini 1.8.
Theme Archive
- Added superuser versions 1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.0.3 and 1.1.0.
- Added SoundWaves (Community Version) version 4.9.9
Project OutFox
- Added Project OutFox Alpha 4.9.9HF.
Tools Archive
- Added Tiny-webini 1.6 and 1.7.
Theme Archive
- Added superuser.
StepMania 3.9
StepMania 3.95
- Added Staiain's 3.95 build.
StepMania 5
- Added Club Fantastic Season 2.
Theme Archive
- Added Staiainv2 (3.95).
- Added more revisions for CyberiaStyle 8 Solid and CyberiaStyle 8 LAST APPROACH.
- Added Dance Dance Revolution A20 Minus.
Project OutFox
- Added the rest of the changelogs (Alpha 4 to Alpha 4.6 RC3).
Build Archive
- Clicking on a section now updates the url for quicker return.
- Loading the main page now automatically opens the category if the url contains the category ID.
StepMania 3.9
- Added Super Dance Online mania. This release also had a separate version containing just the theme, which has been added to the themes archive.
StepMania 5
- Added Step Fex 1.4.1.
Theme Archive
- Added Super Dance Online mania's theme.
- Added EZDC 2ndMove (SM4).
- Added ITG Party (OpenITG).
- Added OutFox category for the new themes coming for Project OutFox.
- Added In The Groove 3 Encore r5 and In The Groove 3 Encore r35. Both custom ITG3 theme builds that seemed to be distributed back in 2012.
- Added Changelogs for NotITG versions 4, 4.0.1 and 4.2.0.
- The OpenGroove build on the archive has been identified as r5, and other build information has surfaced. Changelogs for them have been added, info of executables for these builds would be appreciated, as the Facebook group this project took place in is private.
- As a result of the r5 find for OpenGroove, In The Groove 3 Encore r5 contains the same changelog as OpenGroove r5. It would seem ITG3Encore r5 is the full version of where that executable came from.
Theme Archive
- Added images and release date for XIX Laconia.
StepMania 4
- Fixed Mac builds of StepMania 4.
- Added 4.0 CVS (20070325a), which only a Mac version was built.
Theme Archive
- Fixed link for XIX Laconia.
StepMania 5
- Added changelogs for SM5.0.5, SM5.0.6, SM5.0.7rc and SM5.0.7.
Footage Archive
- Updated entries for ITG EuroCup 2008.
- Videos are now capable of displaying subtitles (Only applicable on available videos with subtitles).
- Added footage of Dance Tricks.
- Added version 4.9.8.
- Updated entries for 0.70.4.
StepMania 4
- Added source package for StepMania 4 CVS 20080103. Thanks to HeySora.
A restructure of the category's files is currently in progress, so most files in this section might not be downloadable during this.- Process has finished. Most files are now packaged as tar.gz packages from the original repositories.
Characters Archive
- Fixed download link for Harp Note.
Themes Archive
- Fixed discrepancies with some themes being on the wrong categories.
Site Wide
- Fixed drop down selection of builds given that having the list being on the first option by default prevented the download of that build given it was already selected.
- Fixed linux build links for Alpha 4, 4.1.
Theme Archive
- Added more screenshots for SM5 themes. Thanks to JustMoneko for the images.
- Currently in the works of a list type row for obtaining older versions of themes, speaking of which...
- Older versions of themes are also going to be archived, which will take use of this system.
- Some examples of this new system are: CyberiaStyle 8 -solid- and Simply Love.
- Added all versions of Simply Love (SM5) ever released on its main repository.
- Fixed release date for TDR-Mix -Original Edition-. Thanks to Dedy Gunawan for pointing this out.
Builds Archive
- A similar system added on the Theme Archive has been added here as well. Just click on a drop menu, select your desired option and it will automatically download that version.
- Wording on some of the download options have been changed to emphasize different choices.
StepMania 3.9
- Fixed source package for StepMania-3.9-rc2aX1.
- Added version 0.71.0.
Site Wide
- More CSS fixes for mobile.
- Added the rest of the changelogs from the older version of the archive.
StepMania 3.0
- Added source code packages for the following builds:
- StepMania 3.0 Beta 4.
- StepMania 3.0 Beta 5.
- StepMania 3.0 Final.
StepMania 3.0
- Added In The Groove (June 3rd Beta).
- Added In The Groove (March 4th Beta).
- Added In The Groove (January 7th Beta).
- Added In The Groove (July 23rd Alpha).
- Added the May 2003 ITG1 Arcade Alpha build. This is the start of a series of uploads.
Site Wide
- Fixes on a couple of elements on the Changelog previewer for dark mode.
- Fixed favicons being missing on some categories.
- The changelog now dynamically changes title to reflect on the current build you're looking at.
- Fixed the StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.7 changelog as it was missing the UTF-8 Charset.
Site Wide
- More CSS improvements to make the site more responsive on weird displays.
- Initial testing of of the site's Dark Mode! Feedback on this mode would be highly appreciated.
StepMania 5
- Added Step Prime Beta 0.94.
Builds Archive
- Fixed translator list on upstream StepMania credits.
- Optimized html files for most sections.
- Added link to the discord server (I'm not even sure why didn't I put this before, but it is there now).
Tools Archive
- Added Font Conversion Guide for older StepMania versions.
NoteSkin Archive
- NoteSkin archive work has started, site is not public yet.
Builds Archive
- Now there's dropdown menus that can be added to the categories. This will allow for many other subsections later on.
Builds Archive
- General CSS / JavaScript layout fixes.
- Transfered over CSS changelog changes to the main CSS, so no more need to manually set style for each html item on the build changelog.
Tools Archive
- Added entries for the following tools:
- Translation-Toolkit
- Stepmania-TranslatorViewMaker
- Tiny-Webini
- Added changelog pages for the following builds:
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.8.0
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.8.1
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.8.2
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.8.5
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.0
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.1
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.5
StepMania 5
- Added/Fixed changelog pages for the following builds:
- StepMania 5.0.8
- StepMania 5.0.9
- StepMania 5.0.10
- StepMania 5.1.0 Alpha
- StepMania 5.0.11
- StepMania 5.1.0 Alpha 2
- StepMania 5.0.12RC
- StepMania 5.0.12
- StepMania 5.1-3
- StepMania 5.1 Beta 1
- StepMania 5.1 Beta 2
Builds Archive
- Thanks to Moru, some elements of the website have changed to (hopefully) provide a better experience.
- Headers for categories are now clickable, allowing you to toggle them, giving more flexibility on what you actually want to see.
- Elements are also hoverable, giving color to emphasize that hey, you're on there.
- Changelogs for some OutFox versions have been added, complete with images and links! (like this!)
- Added changelog pages for the following builds:
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.6
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.7
- StepMania OutFox Alpha 4.9.7GG
StepMania 5
- Added changelog pages for the following builds:
- StepMania 5.1-3
- StepMania 5.1 Beta 1
- StepMania 5.1 Beta 2
- Added version 4.9.7GG.
- Added version 4.9.7.
StepMania 3.95
- Added OpenITG Beta 1 and 2 to the listing, turns out they didn't transfer over, so that's fixed.
StepMania 5
- Added Sushi Violation 2018 V2 (Original hosting link will be removed on February 1st).
- Added StepPrime Betas 0.90, 0.91 and 0.93. These do not include songs.
- Added Rave It Out: The Infusion. This does not include songs.
- Hope you had a nice new years eve. Mine was way calmer than past ones, and I liked that.
DDR PC Edition
- Added DDR PC Edition. Just the listing however, cause this file is completely lost to time.
- Added version 4.9.6.
- Added version 4.9.5.
Theme Archive
- Updated theme listing for OpenITG.
- Readded category, thanks to Mr.ThatKid for pointing it out.
Footage Archive
- Items have been categorized. Likely I'll make them dropdown menus eventually.
Site Wide
- Migration has been finalized. Welcome to the new version of the StepMania Archive!
- Added option for request submissions or takedowns via email in the About page.
Tools Archive
- Added a few more DDReamStudio builds, but a lot are missing, specially the last ones. Please check out the DDReam section for more information.
Tools Archive
- Added anyMania. It's uh, a tool, I guess.
StepMania 5
- Added Club Fantastic: Synthetic Dance 2020.
- Updated dates and added 4.8.0 as it turns out it was not there.
- Added version 4.9.1.
StepMania 3.9
- Added SM Ridiculous Timing.
Tools Archive
- Version 0.31 of Texture-Font-Generator-2020-Squirrel has been added.
Announcers Archive
- This section now has a database so should be ok now in SeaMonkey.
- The following have been added: Caddicarus, Call Me Kevin, Ashens, Funhaus, Jacksfilms, which are part of KStep's announcer pack.
- Preview audios for DDR related announcers are being worked on.
Site Wide
- The entire archive has been updated to now use JavaScript!
- Redesigned website to look more alike StepMania's 2007 look.
- A lot of the build dates have been fact checked and updated.
- Transfer of changelogs are in progress, they will take a bit.
- Footage and Build Archives are now available! Footage shows videos of StepMania seen in tv/internet/events, and others; while the tools archive can store utilities that you may need when it comes to StepMania.
StepMania 3.95
- Added XSoft's ITG2.
StepMania 5
- Added 'In The Groove System Image' series. It's 12 versions, and they are meant for installing to a dedicab.
- Added StepMania Event, a 4 player version of StepMania 5 made by electromuis.
- Uploading the rest of the source files.
5.3 OutFox
- Added versions 4.5, 4.5.6
- Updated links for version 4.3.
StepMania 5
- Started migration of GitHub links to the archive.
- Listing updated up to 0.69.1
- Added versions 4.5, 4.5.6
- Updated links for version 4.3.
StepMania 5
- SM 5 Beta 1a has been updated with its installer.
StepMania 5
- SM 5 Beta 1a has been updated with its installer.
- Release Candidate 1 has been updated with its installer.
- NotITG 3.1 has been added.
StepMania 3.95
- Some links have been updated with SMArchive server archived versions.
StepMania 3.9
- Beware's Extreme 3 now links to the SMArchive backup.
- Beware's Extreme 2's gameplay patch is now available.
- Massive source code update. around 60% of builds have been listed with their source code.
StepMania 3.95
- ITGPro has been added. Please refer to the note at the end of the SM3.95 table for more information about this particular build.
- In The Groove's PC version has been added. (This is not a cracked version of the game. This is straight up an image from the CD. You will *need* a key to access the game.)
StepMania 3.95
- XSoft's In The Groove 2 has been added.
StepMania 3.9
- XSoft's DDR X has been added.
- Initial set of Etterna builds are now being listed.
StepMania 4
- StepMania 4 Alpha 5 has been added.
StepMania 1.6x
- More builds have been listed, most of them I do not know their release dates.
StepMania 5
- StepF2 Icon was added.
- 1.61.1 Update package will come eventually.
Site Wide
- The server file transfer continues, and now there's a new addition to the site: Source Code! Keep in mind: they're being added slowly, not all releases had source code released, and some will not be uploaded due to agreements with some build developers.
- You can download the source code for a specific build by clicking the S at the end of the table.
StepMania 4
- StepMania 4.0 Beta 10 has finally been restored and it's back up for download.
StepMania 3.9
- Added Touch Input demonstration video for StepMania AMX Beta 5.9.2.
Site Wide
- The site is getting a new file hosting server! Huge thanks to Conbicubated for making this happen!
This transfer will happen slowly as I'm copying all of the current files from the archive to this server.
The GDrive contents will remain as a fail-safe measure in case some files in the server break, so I can fix them.
StepMania 5
- StepF2 V1.15 has been added. If anyone has older versions, please let me know.
- ZettMania 0.2.4a has finally been found and has been added.
StepMania 5
- StepMania 5.1 Beta 2 has been added, alongside its changelog, too.
Site Wide
- A lot of people have been asking me where are the Etterna builds.
One of the points I bring most of the time, is because there is no point on playing old versions because scores are not valid anymore due to the wife calculator updating on (almost) every new release.
However, I could still list them here for historical reasons, and also, the Etterna Online server will convert your scores into the calculator's new data.
StepMania 5
- Sushi Violation has been re-added with the new Re-Packaged version for the Archive.
Main difference being the size improvement, from 3.3GB to 1.2GB.
StepMania 3.9
- Beat-Up Mania was added.
- NITG NeonFM: Dance Radio was added.
- NITG StepMania 3.9+ Redux was added.
StepMania 5
- Sushi Violation - Due to a discovery on a exccesive ammount of unused files found on Sushi Violation's Demo, including ridiculously huge uncompressed video files that severely eat up the space available for the archive, I'm currenly working on a version that reduces the file size drastically.
StepMania 3.95
- FUCK-STEPMANIA (Ancestor of NITG) has been added.
- SplatMania Version has been added.
StepMania 5
- Sushi Violation (Demo Version) has been added.
- NotITG V3 has been added.
General StepMania-SSC Era
- Texture Font Generators have been added!
There's 3 currently, the original english version, as well as Japanese and Korean versions.
StepMania 5
- Beta 2 now has Mac and linux builds!
- Beta 1 has been added.
StepMania 3.9
- Fixed link for StepMania 3.9 Alpha 1
- ZettMania Link was fixed. Some versions of this build are lost because Jousway deleted the repo. If someone has more builds, please let me know.
StepMania 3.9
- Fixes for some links.
StepMania 5
- Windows version of Beta 2 has been added! I need to find the build date for it though!
- OpenGroove has been added, still need to check what build number this is. And its date too.
- All builds from this section have their links fixed.
StepMania 3.9
- Link repairing has started.
- More changelogs have been added!
StepMania 4
- More builds have been added!
Site Wide
- So, i need to mention this. The hosting of files are going to move to Google Drive.
You're probably wondering why, and its because i never let Sora know about this, at all. So, i'm moving everything to my personal GDrive storage to host everything.
Now, i'm only updating a few of the links right now, as i'm about to go to a trip (Again) and won't be returning until Sunday evening. - So, in the meantime, the downloads will still be from the server itself until tuesday, where everything will be Google Drive hosted.
StepMania 3.9
- Started uploading the builds to the server, links with uploaded version will replace the old ones.
StepMania 4
- Turns out the there was only linux builds uploaded to the server! I'm in the process of reuploading them.
- The Alpha 5 build is on its way :)
Site Wide
- IMPORTANT : Currently SourceForge is under a DDoS attack. They're working on it to restore their servers back to normal. In the meantime, most 3.9 builds are going to be unavailable because of this. Please wait patienly while this is being resolved.
StepMania 3.9
- StepManiaX builds are now being added!
StepMania 4
- Links have been fixed. I'm super sorry. Thanks to Nhan for pointing it out.
- StepManiaX builds are now being added!
In The Groove
- Currently adding build info and stuff, still unsure if i should host it.
- Windows Build of Beta 1 has been added! Thanks to Nhan!
- All builds are available.
Mungyodance 2
- Mungyodance 2 is up for download!
- Versions of NotITG are now being cataloged and shown.
- do not was added.
- Two builds are available.
Mungyodance 1 & 2
- Mungyodance 1 is up for download!
- The 2 Mungyodance 2 Addons are up for download!
Site Wide
- Credits - Find out who made your favorite fork.
Site Wide
- Added quite a few of new things.
- Pulsen (The Steam Page)
- In the Process of upload/cataloging
- Keys-6ix
- MungyoDance 2 & 3
Site Wide
- Found A LOT of CVS builds. They're not on the site yet, as i'm going to organize them, and it will take time.
Site Wide
- Added info about SM5 Tournament Edition.
- Added beware's DDR Extreme build, which is based in 3.9
- Added info about old Mac builds, that only use PowerPC architecture.
31/Dec/17 - 2/Jan/18
Site Wide
- I know it's almost new year, but i don't socialize a lot, which is bad for my life, i know, but i have to update this though.
- Added some more StepMania 3.9 builds
- Found and applied build dates for each SM-SSC build
- Also found the build dates for the earlier SM5 builds, but one is still missing. (This one being SM5 Alpha 1a)
- Added StepMana 5 Tournament Edition to the list. I actually asked Freem about the project a while ago, but he told me that he pretty much abandoned it, without informing it. I believe the forum post is still available in the StepMania forums.