- Most of the listings here don't have screenshots yet, those will come eventually.
- The download button on this part of the page will give you the latest version of the theme. This is also referenced below the date to indicate the most recent version.
- If you need a specific version, click on the theme name to have a list of available versions.
Need images!
Most items in the themes archive do not have images to showcase the theme in action! You can see
these by the following icon: .
You can help out by sending an
issue with images to the StepMania Archive's Github Repository
or sending the images on The archive's discord server.
Archive Updates - 24/Dec/24 (Past Updates)
Themes Archive
StepMania 5
- Added more versions of CyberiaStyle LAST APPROACH, thanks to Arcorann.
- Added SIMPLY-FICATION r3.0, thanks to Arcorann.
StepMania 3.9
- Added more versions of CyberiaStyle 6 -consciousness to cyber-, thanks to Arcorann.
- Added more versions of CyberiaStyle 4, thanks to Arcorann.
- Added SMBX-PIU. Thanks to Frondal for bringing this up.
- Added PIUSM-THEME. Thanks to ElGFAS for bringing this up.
- Added NX Gold. Thanks to emmanu888 for bringing this up.
StepMania 3.9
- Thanks to .krtv for these.
- Added StepMania 3.9 CVS 9-6-2004.
- Added StepMania 3.9 CVS 01-15-2005.
- Added StepMania 3.9 CVS 08-03-2004 Unofficial.
- Added StepMania CVS 08-23-2004.
- Added StepMania TEST CVS 8-21-2004.
- Added StepMania Unofficial 8-13-2004 CVS.
StepMania 5
- Added StepP1 Plus v2.0.0
ITGMania Custom Builds
StepMania 3.9
Beat Up Mania
Audition II | 2010-07-14 | Available |
StepMania 3.9 Plus
AOI-sapphire |
????-??-?? | Available |
beatmaniaIIDX13-DistorteD | 2011-05-18 | Available | |
DDR A20 |
2022-07-19 ([MDX:x:y:A:2022071900] Standard) |
Available |
????-??-?? | Available |
IIDX Gold 14th Style (Project XII) |
????-??-?? | Available |
IIDX Lincle |
????-??-?? | Available |
IIDX Tricoro |
????-??-?? | Available |
IIDX14 |
2011-05-15 | Available |
IIDX15 |
2011-02-15 | Available |
Project ArS XV I |
????-??-?? | Available |
????-??-?? | Available |
Project XIV Beach Party |
????-??-?? | Available |
Project XVI Anarch | ????-??-?? (v1.45a (the oops release 2)) |
Available | |
Project XVII FIUNT |
????-??-?? | Available |
Project XVIII RFK |
????-??-?? | Available |
StepMania 3.95
StepMania 4
beat man - THE THEME |
2007-09-05 | Available |
Cerulean Skies |
2008-07-13 | Available |
Cerulean Skies 2 |
2009-11-08 (Public Beta 1) |
Available |
Dance With Intensity |
2007-12-25 | Available |
departure |
2008-10-12 | Available |
dubai 11DX |
????-??-?? | Available |
dubaiOne | ????-??-?? | Available | |
Eye Blue |
????-??-?? | Available |
EZDC 2ndMove |
????-??-?? | Available |
Moonlight | 2010-03-14 (moonlight Public Alpha 7) |
Available | |
NAKET Coder Evolution |
????-??-?? | Available |
????-??-?? | Available |
Strike |
????-??-?? | Available |
In The Groove 2 PC (mDawg)
In The Groove 2 Midnight |
2008-08-08 | Available |
ITG2 Green |
2008-12-16 | Available |
ITG2 Yellow |
2008-12-16 | Available |
SIMPLY LOVE (Oat vs Rya's Fork) | 2021-04-26 | Available |
StepMania 5
small-celebration |
2020-08-08 | Available |
bare-frames |
2020-01-09 | Available |
etterna-united |
2020-08-08 | Available |
EttMax |
????-??-?? | Available |
keyblind |
2020-10-10 | Available |
Midnight |
2018-04-05 | Available |
mistryl |
2020-10-10 | Available |
refactored-pancake |
2019-07-07 | Available |
spawncamping-wallhack |
2022-12-25 (spawncamping-wallhack-2.2.7 (Etterna 0.72.0)) |
Available |
Project OutFox
AccelBeat |
????-??-?? | Available |
EKS-D ParaMania | 2021-07-17 (EKS-D ParaMania (Alpha 3.5)) |
Available | |
In The Groove - GrooveNights | 2021-05-23 | Available | |
In The Groove 3 Encore |
????-??-?? | Available |
Infinitesimal |
????-??-?? (Latest (Github)) |
Available |
Music Memories |
????-??-?? | Available |
SoundWaves (Community Version) |
2021-09-24 (a4.10.0) |
Available |
superuser | 2023-07-14 (v2.0.0) |
Available | |
Virtua Steps | 2023-12-04 (v0.5 - Access V) |
Available | |
XX -starlight- 2.0 |
2022-02-21 (XX_-starlight-_V2.1.0HF) |
Available |
XX -starlight- 3.0 |
2024-02-07 (XX_-starlight-_V3.0-Beta1) |
Available |
Simply Love (for ITGMania) |
2024-06-19 (Simply-Love-v5.5.0) |
Available |
Simply-CHQ |
????-??-?? | Available |
Simply-Gensokyo |
????-??-?? | Available |
Simply-ITGMania | 2023-09-20 | Available |